Happy CricketWild Rabbit     Went for a walk with Cricket yesterday trying to get a picture of the rabbits that live in the brush next to the house. I only got a shot of the little guy, momma and poppa were too quick. Cricket had fun making noise and scaring them off. I don’t really understand how these goofy pups are supposed to be hunting dogs. Maybe it takes time until they’re mature enough to hunt.

     This weekend we have a photo op. Scotty, Kathy’s friend Jayne’s dog, needs a place to hang out for the night. Cricket absolutely loves Scotty. They tire themselves out. Cricket’s got much more gung-ho to her as she’s younger. Scotty’s some sort of Great Dane/Lab cross. Facially he looks like Cricket but understandably he’s bigger. We’re going to take them to the new off leash park by our place to run off some steam before we even get the two of them home.

Author: Ian

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