I was having a conversation today that started as a result of the origin of candy names today, and we got to talking about the candy Nibs. They’re those cut up solid licorice strips that are little “nibs” of licorice. Well the true origin of the name Nibs is that they were originally made of black licorice and in the shape of babies, and the package read in clear letters, Nigger Babies....

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Happy Halloween

     I just want to tell everyone out there to have a good day today, be safe, eat lots of candy and then get a tooth-ache. Also, watch for out cars, unless it’s part of your costume to get hit, in that case you should get hit, because it’s part of your costume.

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     Yesterday when I was visiting my parents house to borrow their washer and dryer, I got a letter from the Attourney General of Ontario. I was hoping it would say something like “Congradulations! You’ve been selected to be a lawyer!” Unfortuneately it said, “Your name has been randomly selected from our pile of people we hate, to be available as a juror.” I wouldn’t be so...

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     I saw the movie X-PAX last night. Kevin Spacey (American Beauty, Pay it Forward) has turned another wonderful script into a magical movie that makes you think. Co-starring Jeff Bridges (Arlington Road, The Big Lewbowski) as Dr. Mark, the psychiatrist who is given the patient Prot (pr-oh-t) who believes that he’s from the planet K-PAX. This movie is one of my favorite kinds of movies. It makes you...

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     I just added a new section to this site, I’m doing some encryption work soon, so I’m doing a little bit of research so you might find it interesting, but maybe not. Check it out.

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