We were going to go out today and rent some Sea Doos. Apparently there’s a new law that says anyone driving a water craft under a certain size (as of yesterday) needs a license, so the only sea doo rental place in the area let their insurance expire and has shut down their sea doo operations. No more sea dooin’ for us for a long time. Until we can buy our own and get licensed I guess. It wouldn’t have been so bad except for the fact that the law only came into place yesterday, so if we’d thought of it earlier we could have gone out yesterday or on Sunday. What a kick in the pance.

     We’ve upped our technology over here. Tom brought his router and his wireless bridge, so we’ve connected that to my access point and we’re re-broadcasting the neighbour’s internet on our own access point so that we can sit on the deck closest to the beach and use the net. Pretty slick if you ask me.

     There’s lots of wildlife out here too. Brianne’s been feeding the squirrels and there’s a little baby bunny and baby skunk that roam around the properties. It’s so nice to be away.

Author: Ian

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