Yesterday when I was visiting my parents
house to borrow their washer and dryer, I got a letter from the Attourney General of Ontario. I was
hoping it would say something like “Congradulations! You’ve been selected to be a lawyer!”
Unfortuneately it said, “Your name has been randomly selected from our pile of people we hate, to
be available as a juror.” I wouldn’t be so damn cheesed off except for the fact that I just
did jury duty three months ago. Click here to read all about that interaction.
So basically, me, as a 20 year old, has been picked out of a hat twice to be called for jury duty.
Meanwhile, both of my parents, who are older then I by at least a few years, have never been called.
Why can’t I be that lucky with lotteries? Then I’d buy the world’s first useless building for useless
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