The holidays are way too busy. It’s almost irritating how busy they are. I’m still living in the mind-set that I can get a lot of stuff done over the holidays but now that I’m not so young, I don’t get to. All of this driving for instance, I would use to type up some great tools and ideas for sites and business and stuff, but now, I have to drive to the utmost reaches of this land to visit family and stuff.

     There still isn’t enough snow. Well, there’s practically no snow. At least if there was snow, I could be snowed in for a while and then I would be able to get some work done. Although that’s probably not true either. I would be out skiing or something like that.

     DirecTV changed their channels around which is krappy with a capital K. At my anonymous friend Karl’s house, I used to watch Raymond on Fox 32, but now I can’t. That sucks.

     In cat news, things are okay. Stu got a digital camera for Christmas and got some pictures. I just have to wait for him to send them to me.

     I’m not sure if this happens anywhere else in the world, but if you go to Jean Machine they have a fake phone booth for free local calls. I called my cell from that phone and got it’s number before, so I’m going to put it on here when I get it again. I was thinking that perhaps we could start some sort of false protest. “Denim Is Murder” sounds entertaining, but any ideas are appreciated. Also, if you get the number for any other of these types of things, feel free to post it here for others to enjoy. Please be sure you let us know what the number is for though, we don’t want to call your Uncle Steve at his swim club.

Author: Ian

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