Been down for quite a bit today due to the extreme suckablity of Primus. Now I have to catch up on all of the email which just flew in. Bah! I really can’t wait until I can get this other server hooked up, hoping to learn more tomorrow about weather the investors are going for it or not.
Went out to Tucker’s Marketplace for dinner last night as they have a free birthday dinner, so Andreea and I ate free. Then we went back to Andreea’s place, and ate the cake that Brianne put together and I iced (with my own home-made icing) and I got to open my present. I got a DVD set of season one of The Simpsons. Well, I’m now entering my second day of...
I got a cake from everyone at work today. It was cool. There were candles and everything. I finally got the voice mail box switched. I got this company to come out and swap them, and I lowered the total price by adding all of the mail boxes myself and configuring the system’s phones to bounce to the voice mail when there is no answer. Long and arduous...
My Mom got the job! The Toronto French School has hired her on to teach a children’s music program until the end of June for three days a week! This is great news to hear on my birthday!
Voice mail exploded. I’m not exactly sure what happened, but the Norstar Application Module II that we have at work is making clicking sounds and not working at all. We need to get this thing back online ASAP, problem is retail price for this unit (according to an eBay seller) is $4,000.00 USD. So I’m waiting for some phone guys to call me back with options and the boss is in a meeting, so...
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