Well! How about that for a weathery weekend? With a mini-snow storm of 25cm rolling through, and preparing to melt, it was quite un-expected, especially for mid-November. Brianne and I saw a backwards car on a hill next to the road and that was what just one of 500 accidents in the city over the weekend.

     Work has been extremely busy. In the back of my mind, I’ve been thinking of Christmas promotions. But it’s getting really late. I was thinking along the lines of “Give your wires eternal peace this Holiday Season” and then advertise for Wireless keyboards/mice, wireless networking and that kind of thing. Then I’d have the systems on the flyer too. Faxing to all of the LO contacts would have my fax on a whole heaping load of fax machines around the coutry for little to no funds.

Author: Ian

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