I am wearing shorts today. It is one of the last few days for shorts at the office this year. Well, actually that’s not true if you’re a postal worker or a UPS guy. They seem to wear shorts all year round. Showin’ off their sexy knees. I guess. If you dig knees.

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     Well this evening was interesting, the oven’s not like, uh, working. Kinda odd. The lord of the land is on it. Also, we came home to about 500 ladybugs hovering all around the house. Something to do with the heat wethinks, but not sure. So far only about 10 got in. They’re bitey this time of year because their food is scarce and they’re trying to protect themselves. Off to bed now. Busy...

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     Look I’ve got a webcam… Let us count the days, how long with that last for?

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