Had a nice scare this morning. I went to turn on my laptop to send and email and there was nothing. The power button did nothing. It was like I was pressing it and the battery and the power (which were both connected) weren’t. I unhooked the battery and the power and then left it for about 20 minutes, then I put the battery back in and it still didn’t work. That’s when I started to get a little panicked. So I started looking online, there were a lot of Sony horror stories about GRX models, but mine’s the newer GRT, and it didn’t light up like theirs did. So I was just about to pack it up to go to work today and when I pressed power (with the power unplugged, so I was only running on battery) it turned on, so right now it’s on any copying all of my valuable information to my desktop machine. It’s one of those things, you can never trust your computer. Your information isn’t safe unless you backed it up recently. Makes a case for a backup schedule doesn’t it. I think that scared me enough to back up much more regularly. I wonder if it will turn back on when I get to the office.
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