Lester B. Pearson International’s new Terminal 1 opened today. The worst part of the whole new place is the carts. At Terminal 3, you get a cart for a Loonie, then you get your Loonie back. Not at the new Terminal 1. As well as being able to buy a bottle of Coke for $2.95, and a ham sanwhich for $7.99, you get a cart for a Loonie, and then you only get a measly quarter back. What a crock. Many a good night has been spent at Terminal 3 returning carts for bucks at a time, but how are street urchins and bored children supposed to make money at the airport now? Odds are that with 10,000 cameras you’d get caught playing that game anyway. How awful. Just another way the man is sticking it to us, the not Mans.
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