They said; let there be vacation, and then there was, and it was damn good. Tom’s company has rented out a cottage at Wasaga. I really wasn’t sure that this week would ever come, but it’s here, the place is here, and it’s really nice. It’s right on the beach too! They even have their own private sandy area to call their own. Pretty funky. Apparently the people who own this place have had their fill and now they just rent it out for $1500/week in the summer! That’s pretty crazy-expensive. This place is nice, but not that nice. Anyway, the neighbour has a wireless access point, so unless he discovers us, we’re surfin’ free for the week at high speeds. Precariously mounted on top of two tables (because that’s where it works best). The water’s a little chilly, but the sun is really nice and we’re supposed to, knock on wood, have nice weather all week. I should check the forcast for moving day… err, maybe not ’til later.
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