While on a collections mission on the way home from a quick side job today (a sucessful one at that!) I found out that in a couple of weeks Cricket’s going to be an auntie! The Brave Little Toaster is due soon for her first litter. I was telling Stephen how spoiled I am with Cricket. He was saying some of Sheila’s dogs are like that, (won’t eat food if it’s just sitting there) and...

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     The system is down yo. Apparently the Homestar server is going through some trials and tribulations today.

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     I just read on /. that some crazy fool at Nasa has proposed to use gasses on Mars to create global warming, so the planet would be usable or something. I’m guessing there’s going to be a lot of outrage about this. I suppose it’s with good reason though. It’s not enough that we trash our planet, we have to find new planets to trash too. Personally I’m for the idea of sending...

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     Hey, this is cool, check it out: Just Letters

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     I just got an email from one of my boss’ neighbours. They’re having a content sale. If you’re interested in helping him out, check out what he’s got.

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