Been a while…
What’s new? Well not much really, I guess that’s why the lack of updates really. I’ve been busy with work, like beyond busy. I got a new computer last week. A mac-mini. They’re pretty funky machines. Everyone keeps asking me why mac? I have a customer whose whole operation is mainly mac based, so to not look like an idiot to him, I wanted to know a whole lot more about macs. I got a 20″ wide LCD screen for it, something that I’ve been wanting for a long time. It’s really nice to be able to have code open on one side of the screen and the result open on the other.
One thing I don’t like about the mac is the software. The stuff that comes with it is cool, but for the most part, there are just no programmed equivalents to the Windows apps that I use. I’m going to try out the MS Virtual PC to see if that will let me run those same applications that I’m used to on the mac, but we’ll see how that works.
I do like the fact that it’s BSD-based and I can run all my favorite BSD apps on it without any complaints. I said to Tom the other day; “I thought I was going to be a fish out of water with this thing, but I’m like a fish in my own lake.”
Anyway, time for a run then some lunch, then back to work.
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