First and foremost, over the weekend we talked to the vet and she said to give the Crick some Immodium and that seems to have worked quite well. Since she’s been much less licky and just has happy as before.

     On Monday I forgot my gym shorts and so I dropped in on a Running Room to pick up another pair because I figured I spend enough time wearing them, that I might as well buy a decent pair. So I walk in and according to the dude there, because of the season, there aren’t many shorts in stock so they don’t have anything very long. They only have shorts that are shorter than my friggin’ boxers. If that’s not a fashion faut-pas, than I don’t know what is. So I figured I’d try Zellers, no such luck either. Highly disappointed in the shorts department. It seems every time I want to buy myself new gym shorts, it’s winter and I can’t find any. You know what? 6 degrees isn’t all that winterey and I could run outside in shorts at this time of year without getting all asthma’ey, so stock some damn shorts.

     Monday was also Jury Duty day. Yes that’s right, it wasn’t enough that they already called me in to waste my time, it’s happened again. This time I’m the 14th juror out of 12, so if; on February 13th, two jurors manage to weasel their way out of their duty, I’m stuck for a week on an assault trial. After seeing absolutely no evidence, I think he’s guilty. I must say though, the Guelph court house is terrible compared to the Brampton one. There’s no airline-style waiting area, and it’s about 35 celcius in the court room.

     Last night someone and I were talking about some new business plans and we’re both very excited that we’ve (finally!) come up with a viable side business to sink out time and money into and it could potentially become our primary business in a few years. Very exciting stuff.

     Anyway, I’ve got to get back to the gig. Some highly ignorant person is waiting for some work to be done and I need to put some finishing touches on it so that it can be seen.

Author: Ian

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