I just got my stats engine up and running again. Apparently it hasn’t been processing pages since Decemeber and no one notice until last week. So, all week long I’ve been babysitting it while it processes page after page. Once it finally got caught up, I started looking through the matches to figure out how people end up here. Quite a few people search for goblogyourself.com which is an alias to this site. Eventually, I’d like to set up some kind of place where you can go blog yourself, but for now, it just points to here. I’m happy to report, that this page is the number one match for dead taste bud when you’re searching from Canada and also number one for epileptical machine worldwide. Now there’s something to be proud of.

     Had a nice little Wednesday today. Got up early, took out the trash, made breakfast and then got down to work. Then took off for a nice lunch that Brianne made for me and then went out with the dog for some exercise and some sun. Brianne’s at the barn riding around and I’m at Tom’s waiting for him to get here while I drink his beer.

Author: Ian

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