Well, I did one better. Yesterday after stepping up everyone’s security at work, I discovered an old program that hardly anyone uses. What it does it run on the server and scan any email coming through the server for viruses. This is pretty cool because now, if the only threat to your computer was email viruses and you’re using my server, you never have another problem again. The best feature is that it emails the user that sent the virus telling them that they just sent a virus to someone on my machine.

     In automotive news, the brake lights have been fine ever since I tweaked them, but now my door isn’t closing tight. I’m not sure what to do about it because I think the door got more wear then it should have when that foolish lady side-swiped me on highway. The problem is, it’s not a week later, it’s a month later and I don’t think she’d pay any damages a month after-the-fact. I know I wouldn’t. Perhaps this one will fix itself too. I know getting inside the door isn’t an easy, or cheap task.

      I need a self-fixing car, like the androids in Star Wars that know how to put themselves back together when they get blown to smitherines. Perhaps that will be my next request to the manufacturers of cars once they automate the driving experience. “Dave, I need a new door latch, available at all Canadian Tire locations in aisle 7.” Only problem would be: “I’m sorry Dave, I cannot let you drive at 105km/h at this time.”

Author: Ian

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