We watched the movie Sleepers last night, and wow! It has to be one of the greatest movies ever made. It makes you angry when they’re angry, it makes you sad when they’re sad (and when Brianne accidentally elbows you in the cheek bone). The story is about these kids who are un-necessarily abused, and I can’t really tell you why, because that spoils part of the movie too. Anyway,...
Brianne has a pretty good idea here, please reply with your best caption to these pictures. The winner will be awarded their name on a solid gold plaque which can be picked up at a quarter to never.
If you live in an apartment, a good idea is not to do laundry on a weekend, because that’s when everyone does it. At least that’s what I thought. I’m standing here waiting for more washers (already using three) and more people keep coming in to check out the scene to see if the can get in there and use them. I still need another 5 washers to finish my washing because I’m washing...
I just got this email from someone at work (who will remain nameless): Subject: DO NOT Open Farmgirl Email Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 09:26:29 -0400 Received an unusual email this morning. FarmGirl is a porn site – delete without opening. I guess she hasn’t been surfing the web at work, otherwise she would already know this kind of thing....
Brianne had her horse show at the barn yesterday. Things went anything but smoothly (to say the least). Kathy, Brianne’s friend got completely discouraged when her horse, Mylo decided that today would be a nice day to behave like a large pickled cucumber. She got dicouraged and decided that it would be better if she didn’t get in the show. Unfortunately,...
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