Well it’s the anniversary of “The King’s” death and I amazingly find my self not caring. I can give him credit for his song writing ability and all that, but people, please, we don’t have a big huge celebration on the day that Kurt Cobain died. People don’t dress up like him, (it would take much less effort then it takes to dress up like the Vegas King) and walk around like retards saying “Hunka, hunka.”

     There’s a girl missing in the southern states and they’ve issued an “Amber Alert”, at first I though that Jean Benet Ramsey’s name was Amber, then I thought of the name Amber Dempsey, which was the Little Miss Springfield girl on The Simpsons. Then I looked it up online. Amber Hagerman was kidnapped in 1996 from Arlington, Texas and the Amber Alert has been set up to allow television and radio to interrupt their broadcast when a child has been kidnapped. Things you wouldn’t know unless you noticed this kind of thing. Read about the Amber Plan.

     In other news today, the weather man is a stupid bastard, with all of his high-tech equipment the least that they could do is deliver the rain that they keep promising. It’s been said before and again that if they were that wrong in any other position, they’d never have jobs.

Author: Ian

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