Well NASA’s first re-entry tragedy has happened early this morning. The crew of seven will be missed dearly by all. The crew had the first Indian born astronaut and the first Isreali astronaut. This is a sad day for many indeed. At the same time however, I’m brought to not so much anger, but “miffed” at the coverage that the media is making of this incident. It just annoys me at how much they’re grasping for a story because of this tragedy. I’ve been watching the news since six and they’re still going through each of the astronaut’s lives, interviewing people on the street….

     As if to prove my point… I just watched a 20 second story about an avalanche in British Columbia which happened today and has killed at least 6 people. I know absolutely nothing about these people or their families, backgrounds or anything else because us as Canadians on our Canadian news station (Global News) don’t give a inch on covering the Canadian tragedy. Bastards!

Author: Ian

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