And what a weekend it was! We had our first party at the farm, and there was a fairly high attendance dispite the fact that the rain threatened us. I owe the fact that it didn’t rain to my parents, who bought a picnic table shelter for us to sit under. Without that it would have rained all day. All in all it was a sucessful day.

     Unfortunately Cricket’s back to her poopin’ self. Once the drugs ran out, she showed her giardia symptoms again. I took her to the vet and the guy gave her a booster of the giardia vaccination, and a pile of new drugs. The problem is, as far as I can figure, is that there’s too much of these things in and around the property and since she’s not immune to it, she keeps getting it again. Another $100 today and we’re still not sure if this is going to help. We’ve decided that we will try another new vet rather than continuing with this one.

     Water’s on the fritz all weekend. The dude came down to kick it on Saturday but it’s back to nearly nothing again. If this dog goes in her crate again (which thankfully, she didn’t yesterday) we’ll be in trouble without water to clean her up. Can’t we have it all? I want the farm life AND the water.

Author: Ian

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