Dag nabbit. Doing some music news digging and I’ve discovered that the new album originally scheduled for release last summer won’t be coming out until late summer or early fall this year, so I’ve got some more thumb twidling to do. They’ve been touting it as a return to more punk rockin’ style.

     In other cool news, has come out with their new deluxe blue album and a DVD. They showed some clips of it on MTV2 over the last few days. I don’t pay for that crap, so I didn’t have a chance to see it. They’re putting together their fifth album now and it sounds like a Christmas relase date. It’s going to be a return to their Blue Album styles.

     All in all, it’s looking like the sorry state that rock and roll is in, is about to change. With much better stuff on the radio these days, the promise of a rock year that we can all actually respect and tolerate is more than due. Bands like Hot Hot Heat and The White Stripes need to get the hell off my and make room for The Trews, Yellow Card, Something Corporate, Jet, The Salads, The Offspring and many more bands that understand the need for up-beat, non-whiny, quality music.

Author: Ian

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