Brianne’s Easter dinner was a tremendous hit! Everyone was happy to receive her scrumptious feast. The main attraction was shoulder of lamb, and then there was an excellent potato salad, green beans, carrots and deviled eggs to wet the pallett. Unfortunately there was a bit of a soapy debaucle going on. Joe’s girlfriend ended up cancelling at the last minute because she wasn’t comfortable with the situation. It caused a minor uproar but was carefully settled down. Sounds like Joe’s getting a lot more heat than he deserves at home for his girl.

     Not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. I don’t think as many people at the office will be off either, I think there used to be more lazy people or people with younger kids in the office or something. I do suppose that it will be a quiet week. I’ve got a lot to get done so I need to get into the groove early tomorrow morning to meet some deadlines.

Author: Ian

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