Michael and Caroline Kerfoot     Quite the weekend! We spent 90% of it preparing for and going to Brianne’s friend Caroline’s wedding. Brianne’s Mom’s best friend Euince is Caroline’s aunt and since they were the first of the kids in the circle of friends and they’ve been hanging out since they were little. I was surprised how many people that were there that I knew. Brianne and I went to a corn roast a couple of years with most of the same people so I’d already met most of them there. The funniest part of the evening was the fact that no one recognized Brianne. Deirdra, another one of Brianne’s Mom’s friends actually recognized me first and then made the connection that the person with me must be Brianne. It was the oddest thing. We had a good time, we were sat at a table with Caroline’s friends from Western and we all got along really well.

     Once I had a nice long nap this afternoon, I went out to play on the unicycle. I can almost get on from standing every time now. It’s just a matter of time before I’ll be riding around the neighbourhood on one wheel.

Author: Ian

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