Canadian Verizon on the Horizon?
There’s been a lot of talk of the large telco giant Verizon out of the states picking up Wind Mobile and possibly Mobilicity in Canada and competing against the ‘Big Three’ which the forums refer to as Robelus, since they’re essentially all the same company. Their biggest fear is that a giant US company picking up one of the new smaller cellular companies, because they were given a competitive edge on the...
State of the Union
Like most blogs, this one is neglected. Life is always in the way of writing about life. Decided to resurrect the old blog and bring it’s content over to WordPress so it’s easier to update and might actually get updated more often. So here’s the latest! Aphra’s 8 months old and adorable! Dash is 2 years 10months and his attitude is growing as quickly as he is. She’s standing up and starting to...
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