You can work here, just don’t have a bladder on the second floor. You may remember, three years ago a sign got posted in the second floor mens washroom at the office prohibiting dumpage to to toxic fumes. Now, due to noise violations, unless you can pee without making a sound, you can’t do that upstairs either. Maybe we should just bulldoze the washroom instead of posting warning signs. Or, better idea; issue company head...

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It’s fairly difficult to ride backwards on a unicycle. I think it might be a guy thing though. I also can’t go backwards on the epileptical machine, like many women at the gym do. I just don’t operate well in reverse. I can drive a car backwards very well, so it’s not a directional thing, it’s a motor skills issue. Practice, practice, practice!

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     I think it’s almost time to break my iPod, they unleashed the new 80GB iPod this week along with a new 8GB nano. Also, now the new nanos have colours have gone back to that rounded iPod-mini style instead of looking like shrunken iPod videos.      Good ol’ extended warranty. I wonder what the best way to “brick” an iPod is… With the 80GB, I’d be...

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     So there’s this coup going on in Thailand. Apparently the prime minister is in the process of being overthrown. I Googled Thai Coup because it sounded like Haiku, apparently this isn’t a new thing for Thailand. 1932, 1971, 1991, all years where there was a coup in Thailand. History is way more interesting when it’s relevant, and there’s Google.      Updated...

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     So I’ve got this Dell M1710 and it’s got those fancy Dell media keys on the front. Hugely awesome because they let you change tracks while you’re in other applications, just keep everything the same and press the buttons. The only problem is that they don’t work with iTunes by default… I’m guessing it’s a “we hate your media player” thing from Apple....

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