Today is the winter solstice. What does that mean to you? For me it always reminds me of the time when I was little and my uncle Robert (formerly known as Bob) told me that today was the longest day of the year. I believe that we had Christmas on my Dad’s side that night and he told me that. It’s kinda cool what sticks with you over the years. It’s always the good things though, for...
Well, things are winding down today. It’s that kinda day where everyone’s easing into their vacation, otherwise you might get highly-unstressed-burn. This is where you go from being incredibly stressed to completely un-stressed in the time it takes you to drive home from work. Symptoms include static electric shock and chronic nausea. Please don’t work too hard today to avoid this...
This afternoon is the company Christmas lunch, actually it’s more like afternoon snacks at Kelsey’s. We’re not rich like Cosco. I’m still waiting for the printers to finish my business cards so if they’re done, I’m leaving the shin-dig early so that I can pick them up. I heard this story on the radio this morning. Read it here. I think...
The George Foreman Grill has to be one of the most known items out there. Everyone knows what you’re talking about if you mention one. I think that’s amusing only because you don’t have to get the George Foreman one, there’s lots of others out there. New Product! I’ve discovered a new product for Tweaked Solutions Inc. to sell. It’s called...
I was reminded this morning of a funny music story that I was once told. Dan Rather was walking along, minding his own business when some guy came out screaming “What’s the frequency Kenneth?” repeatedly and demanded his wallet. I believe he kicked Rather in the groin and ran off. This is why REM put out their song What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?. I just thought that that was fairly...
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