My web site of the day is available at It’s automatically updated daily, always worth lookin’ at.
Hey! Anyone seem Malcom tonight? Michael McShane (FDR, Dr. Swanson, Whose Line) played a doctor. He’s lost like four billion pounds and he looks great. Good on him.
I’m working on a PowerPointless presentation. I typed in Asthetically, which is incorrectly spelled. The correct spelling is Aesthetically, but PowerPoint offered me Esthetically as well, which according to Meriam-Webster isn’t in the dictionary. Totally pointless.
It was only a matter of time really. The world has changed vowels. It is no longer eWhatever it’s now iWhatever. Would you buy an ePod or use Apple eTunes or attend an eSeminar? No! They sound nerdly. But if I make them all “i”s you’re in. You’ll hopelessly get an iPod, shop for music with iTunes and attend iSeminars. I think it’s about time that i was more popular....
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