After the daily grind today, we took the Cricket for a walk. Whilst on this walk, we discovered that she’s decided that she’s going to follow one more golden retriever characteristic which we thought she had decided she didn’t like.
Everyone’s favourite maps, Google Maps has added Satelite imagery. Some areas have closer zoom than others. For instance, I can see Tom’s house, Brianne’s parents’ and mine parents’ place just fine, but our house isn’t available all zoomey. This gives an excellent way to search for places when you’re given directions, also it’s nice to find houses with...
It’s all like Seinfeld. I was running on the treadmill at the gym. I love subtitles. It makes the time pass so quickly between speed changes. I was reading this movie Deadly Whispers which I didn’t know what was called so I had to use IMDB to look up Tony Danza and the guy from Mission Impossible, Vingh Rhames. So I’m watching this movie, it’s not great or anything, but then my run...
So I went to the doc today, monthly allergy shot and all that. So last time I went, my throat got all tight and it was a little tough to swallow, so I told him that because I don’t want my dosage increased if it’s going to make my throat swell up even more. I need my throat. So now I’ve gone back to a lower dosage and I’m back to weekly again. I think this is all for nothing. My...
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