Flinging Things into Dumpsters

The power supply died in my asterisk box today, so after I replaced it, I took it upon myself to get rid of it… permanently. You can’t see the dumptser in the video, but I got it in.

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MythTV Frustrations

     I’ve figured out the method to the madness that is deleting recordings with MythTV with MythWeb when you have 800 of them. The trick is to open a “tail -f /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log” and have it running in the background. Then click Delete or Delete + Re-record and press OK. The important thing to do is to wait until the log shows the “Sheduled #### items in blah...

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     Have you watched any of this Planet Earth series by the BBC? It’s full of the most amazing footage. CBC Newsworld ran the first five episodes near the end of the summer, and we thought that was it, but Greg was looking around online and found out that there’s eleven in total. I shot off a quick email to the CBC and then got a prompt reply telling me that the full 11 episode series will be...

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Error, ../../images/kramer.jpg not found     The media is all buzzing about Michael Richards and his racist ranting. Watch the video (due to the offencive nature of the clip, you’ll need a YouTube account)      I think racism and religion have become the last real taboos. If he had attacked their sexuality like most comedians do to hecklers, no one would have said anything. I...

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Oooh a photo-blog-esque-type-thing…. It’d be nice to win 6.49 billion. Too much emo for me… dude. Hotttt.

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