I was just speaking to one of the consultants from The Decorating Challenge, Denis Flanagan, who has just graced me with the information that the most popular Halloween costume this year is Osama Bin Laden. What the hell is that all about? That’s insanity. If I was a parent I would never let my child dress up as a terrorist, that’s pure sickness. In fact, if my child wanted to be Bin Laden for...
“They’re all going to laugh at you!” Just finished watching Carrie. Wierd flick. I didn’t actually get freaked out until the end. According to Brianne the book’s better. Anyway, today’s resolve is the lock the foolish kitty out of the bathroom during morning activities as she causes a nusance. Also today I learned that network cable...
Okay, Sneakers has taken a new-found interest in water. She has decided that it’s the coolest thing she’s ever seen and that she should try to play with it. Meanwhile, you will remember that cats don’t like water. While trying to walk along the edge of the sink and play with the water, she slipped, landing her whole ass end in the water. This is fine, I thought nothing of it. But, when...
Make that four dinners in two weeks! Good deal here. Andreea’s parents were gracious enough to invite us over for dinner tonight, and then the Four Amigos (Tom, Andreea, Brianne and I) sat around watching Sopranos and eating junk food. America’s busy bombing the hell out of Afgahnistan this day two of operation Kick Those Bastards Asses, so every type of media is...
Well, happy Thanksgiving! Two weeks, 3 huge turkey dinners with stuffing, swimming pool, hot tub, family, and friends, how excellent. What don’t I have to be thankful for? Family’s all good, I even got to see my cousin once removed, Scot-Lynn, she’s a little cutie, walking now and everything. I just finished adding this site to a bunch of search engines, but I dunno if there’s...
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