I used this lunch hour (which I don’t typically take) to make the Homestar Runner mirror much more complete. It now serves as a much more useful mirror to me. The main reason it exists is so that I can download the site, because I’m on dialup at home and I don’t wanna wait for the site if I can download it at the office and bring it home.

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     Zend released a new version of their encoder today. It’s pretty cool, except it seems to not work with the old .zep (zend encoder project) files that I created with 3.1.0. Also, had to upgrade the Optimizer on the server, but they seem to have fixed whatever problems I was having with 2.5.0 in this release called 2.5.1. I’m a happy Ian. The coolest part of this new version is the expiration...

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     I woke up this morning with fragmented lyrics of We Can Work It Out in my head. That’s a pretty repetitive song. It’s no wonder the Beatles were as successfull as they were.      Last night I replaced the aerator in both sinks in the bathroom. Filling up the sink is like the express route now. There was so much gunk in there. $4.98 makes all the difference in the...

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     Bullard has received the axe. That’s right, our “hometown hero” has been put on Global’s chopping block. I think it’s about time. I never really liked the guy and every time I’ve watched his show, I’ve been less than impressed. You watch Leno and it’s all lively, cheery and his monologue is hilarious. Mind you, in the Star, they compare Bullard to Ed the...

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     There are a few people that I’m doing some business with and they seem to have absolutely no clue how to make a subject for a message. One lady consistently emails me the exact same subject for every message. If you’re sending out a message about something, make your subject as narrow as possible. Don’t call it “Microsoft Windows” when you’re talking about a problem on...

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