Very nice drive down the Hanlon to go pick up Brianne from the barn this evening. I didn’t want to leave the comfort of my programming den because I was getting some serious development done on the backup program’s self updater, but the pretty sky and the fact that I might get to unicycle once I get there were little perks. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen a 50% circle...
Quite the weekend! We spent 90% of it preparing for and going to Brianne’s friend Caroline’s wedding. Brianne’s Mom’s best friend Euince is Caroline’s aunt and since they were the first of the kids in the circle of friends and they’ve been hanging out since they were little. I was surprised how many people that were there that I knew. Brianne and I went to a corn roast...
I’m trying a new spam strategy, mostly because it’s driving me mental. I’ve been running the spamvertizements that I’ve been getting into the Bayesian database, but it doesn’t seem to matter. So I updated all of the spam protection on my box and then I added in an optional bit that wasn’t on before. The Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse, from what I’ve quickly...
It was a relatively simple task. Take a weekend and go into Algonquin’s backcountry canoeing. Tom and I set a date a long time ago and said that this is when we’d go. We started getting prepped, training for the big day. Then earlier this week, Tom got a training injury. That is to say that Tom got Bellitis. Bell called him up and said; “Hey, you’ve got Bellitis and we’re...
So yesterday, I was going to meet up with Tom and on the way there, the traffic was crap. Not because of the lightning or impending storm, because of a stalled tractor-trailer in an on-ramp lane at the 410 on the 401. Totally un-necessary slowdown. Anyway, the lightning provided quite the show and as I was nearing Mavis, a big bolt hit really close. Then when I got up to McLaughlin Rd. I saw that there...
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