Boo yah! I’ve solved my problems. I added another computer to the mix last night. Now the master back end doesn’t have any encoders on it and it’s only job is to manage the database and serve out recordings. I’m going to build a synchronization script to open the database, rsync the files to the master back end and then update the database so that it knows what host they’re...

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     So many PVR problems, so little time.      There was once a time when I was very happy with my PVR. It had a couple of minor bugs but the only thing that it really needed from me was to clean out the hard drives every once in a while so that it didn’t run out of space.      Now we have a master back end with 1.4TB of storage and a secondary back end...

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     I was going through my junk mail and found a phishy message, so I decided to click on it. Maybe because I thought eBay got my email address wrong, or maybe because I was actually worried that they suspended my account, but mostly because I wanted to see how this new Firefox feature handled it. Though it didn’t let me get to the site, because the server was down or something, Firefox 2 did catch the...

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     I’m too busy these days so I just installed Firefox 2. They’ve done a nice job of updating the software. I personally don’t care about the close button on each tab now but, that’s one complaint I got from someone who I subjected to Firefox, they couldn’t figure out how to close a tab. Opening in a new tab instead of a new window by default is also cool and I can’t wait...

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Whoa, I just did one of those balancing equation things to make: price = total – (total * (discount / 100)) become: discount = – ((price – total) / total) * 100 Now when those people around the office need to calculate the discount for my application they can do it quicly and easily. Much more efficient than that trial and error. My math teachers would be proud.

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