Oh yeah, I’ve been driven nuts while using Fedora because the touchpad keeps going forwards and backwards in Firefox… Here’s the proper fix from the Gentoo Wiki Horizontal Scroll Issues with Firefox I was looking for this information for a long time and couldn’t find it. I finally found reference to this in a cached version of this (gentoo-wiki). So that firefox will not misinterpret the horizontal scroll as...
Well, I got Fedora Core 6 all downloaded yesterday. The torrent was pretty slow and I ended up using ftp.telus.net and less.cogeco.net to get the ISO images. Today I did an upgrade of my laptop which was running an up to date FC5 install. So far so awesome. One big thing that I like is that they no longer have seperate kernels for SMP and non-SMP machines for i386 hardware. Why’s that good for me? I...
Hey, anyone noticed that the internet is damn slow tonight? Why? Fedora Core 6 was released today. Get your copy via torrents. The new default desktop looks purty. I’m downloading now. Hopefully I can upgrade my laptop tomorrow. Sean’s birthday today! Happy Seanday Birth!
I’m playing around with using Linux as the primary OS on my laptop. Each time I’ve done this previously there’s been a major stepping block that I couldn’t get through, we’ll see what happens this time. Not the point however, I stumbled upon something awesome. Lots of people probably already know this, but if you want Firefox to open a bunch of tabs on startup (Gmail, Google...
The infocentre is closed!? I drove out to the gym at lunch and on my way down the 401 just before Winston Churchill the service centre signs have had all of the logos ripped off and there’s a CLOSED through the middle of the sign. FERMÉ en français. Whoa! I just found out you can leave number lock on on this laptop and still type. You have to press Fn for the number keys to work. Nice job Dell! Now,...
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